The Central Rabbinical Congress of the U.S.A. and Canada, commonly referred to as the CRC; or Hisachdus HaRabbonim D’Artzos HaBris V’Canada (התאחדות הרבנים, its Hebrew name), is a rabbinical organization that is a consortium of many Orthodox Jewish groups.
The CRC provides kosher certification to food processing plants around the world, dispatching rabbinical teams to inspect plants and oversee production. It is all part of the meticulous processes that the CRC has put in place to assure that all kosher production meets the highest standards of its rabbinic authorities. The certification process includes carefully researching the source of every ingredient to ascertain that it not only complies with the Jewish dietary laws but also meets the lofty standards of the CRC. Its mashgichim travel all over the globe, dealing with some of the most complex problems in addition to scrupulously enforcing kashrus protocols.
In addition to its global certification of plants, the CRC kosher certifies hundreds of retail and wholesale establishments in the US and Canada. They include such retail businesses as bakeries, butchers, fish, candy, and take-out stores as well as slaughterhouses, meat processing plants, and restaurants.